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<!-- 顶部导航栏 -->
<up-navbar leftText="" title="" :placeholder="true" :safeAreaInsetTop="true" @leftClick="leftClick"
<template #center>
<div class="navbarcenter"><span>发布活动</span></div>
<view class="bgc"></view>
<up-form :model="form" :rules="rules" ref="uFormRef">
<view class="cardz">
<view class="titleInfo">
<up-form-item label="" prop="acTitle" borderBottom>
<up-input placeholder="输入活动标题~5~20个字" v-model="form.acTitle" border="none" maxlength="20"
fontSize="34rpx" color="#C0C0C0" clearable></up-input>
<view class="xian"></view>
<view class="contentInfo">
<up-form-item label="" prop="acContent" borderBottom>
<up-textarea v-model="form.acContent" placeholder="输入活动内容
输入准确定位可以更好提供活动信息奥!安全指南:请勿发布带有个人信息(如:住址)" count border="none" height="270" maxlength="500"
placeholderStyle="color: #c0c0c0;font-size: 30rpx; background:none;"></up-textarea>
<up-form-item label="" prop="file" borderBottom>
<view class="cardzfile">
<fileUpload v-model="form.file" :fileTypeInfo="fileTypeInfo1" :limit="2"></fileUpload>
<view class="cardx">
<up-cell-group :border="false">
<up-form-item label="" prop="startTime" borderBottom @click="showStartTime =! showStartTime">
<view style="margin-top: 2rpx;width: 100%;height: 30rpx;display: flex;align-items: center;">
<image v-if="showtext1" :src="tu52" style="width: 30rpx; height: 32rpx; margin-right: 12rpx;"></image>
<image v-else :src="tu522" style="width: 30rpx; height: 32rpx; margin-right: 12rpx;"></image>
<up-input v-model="form.startTime" disabled disabledColor="#ffffff" color="#C9F6F5"
placeholder="请选择活动开始时间" placeholderStyle="color: #333333 !important;font-size: 30rpx;"
<span v-if="showtext2">请选择活动开始时间</span>
<up-icon slot="right" name="arrow-right"></up-icon>
<up-form-item label="" prop="endTime" borderBottom @click="showEndTime = !showEndTime">
<view style="margin-top: 2rpx;width: 100%;height: 30rpx;display: flex;align-items: center;">
<image v-if="showtext2" :src="tu53" style="width: 30rpx; height: 32rpx;margin-right: 12rpx;"></image>
<image v-else :src="tu532" style="width: 30rpx; height: 32rpx; margin-right: 12rpx;"></image>
<up-input v-model="form.endTime" disabled disabledColor="#ffffff" color="#C9F6F5"
placeholder="请选择活动结束时间" placeholderStyle="color: #333333 !important;font-size: 30rpx;"
<span v-if="showtext2">请选择活动结束时间</span>
<up-icon slot="right" name="arrow-right"></up-icon>
<up-cell :border="false" :isLink="true" :center="true">
<template #title
style="margin-top: 2rpx;width: 100%;height: 30rpx;display: flex;align-items: center;">
<image v-if="showtext3" :src="tu51" style="width: 30rpx; height: 32rpx;"></image>
<image v-else :src="tu512" style="width: 30rpx; height: 32rpx;"></image>
<up-datetime-picker :show="showStartTime" v-model="newData" :modelValue="newData" @confirm="confirm1" format="YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss"
@cancel="cancel" mode="datetime"></up-datetime-picker>
<up-datetime-picker :show="showEndTime" v-model="newData" @confirm="confirm2" :modelValue="newData" format="YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss"
@cancel="cancel" mode="datetime"></up-datetime-picker>
<view class="cardxx">
<up-button color="#C9F6F5" size="large" shape="circle" @click="publish" throttleTime="500"><span
<view style="width: 26rpx;height: 80rpx;"></view>
<up-button color="#F8F8E3" size="large" shape="circle" @click="draft" style="margin-left: 26rpx;"><span
<script setup>
import { listInfo, getInfo, delInfo, addInfo, updateInfo } from "@/api/activityInfo/info";
import fileUpload from '../common/file/fileUpload'
import { onShow, onLoad } from '@dcloudio/uni-app'
import { ref, reactive, getCurrentInstance, computed, toRefs } from 'vue'
import { useStore } from 'vuex';
const { proxy } = getCurrentInstance();
const iconConfig = proxy.iconConfig;
const tu51 = iconConfig.tu51;
const tu512 = iconConfig.tu512;
const tu52 = iconConfig.tu52;
const tu522 = iconConfig.tu522;
const tu53 = iconConfig.tu53;
const tu532 = iconConfig.tu532;
const title = ref('')
const content = ref('');
const data = reactive({
form: {
acTitle: '',
acContent: '',
startTime: null,
endTime: null,
file: null,
state: null,
rules: {
acTitle: [
{ required: true, message: '请输入活动标题', trigger: 'blur' },
{ min: 5, max: 20, message: '标题长度在 5 到 20 个字符', trigger: 'blur' }
acContent: [
{ required: true, message: '请输入活动内容', trigger: 'blur' },
{ max: 500, message: '内容不能超过 500 字', trigger: 'blur' }
startTime: [
{ required: true, message: '请选择活动开始时间', trigger: 'change' }
endTime: [
{ required: true, message: '请选择活动结束时间', trigger: 'change' },
{ validator: (rule, value, callback) => {
console.log(form.value.startTime," ",value," ",value <= form.value.startTime)
if (value <= form.value.startTime) {
callback( proxy.$modal.msgError('时间选择错误') );
} else {
}, trigger: 'change' }
const { form, rules } = toRefs(data);
const fileList1 = ref([])
const fileTypeInfo1 = ref('image')
const bgColor = ref('');
bgColor.value = 'rgba(170, 0, 0, 0)'
const showStartTime = ref(false);
const showEndTime = ref(false);
const StartTime = ref('请选择活动开始时间');
const showtext1 = ref(true);
const showtext2 = ref(true);
const showtext3 = ref(true);
const EndTime = ref('请选择活动结束时间');
const newData = ref(new Date().getTime());
const timeFormat = uni.$u.timeFormat;
// 表单引用
const uFormRef = ref(null);
onLoad((options) => {
const leftClick = () => {
const draft = () => {
form.value.auditStatus = "5"
const publish = () => {
form.value.auditStatus = "1"
const submitForm = (type) => {
if (uFormRef.value) {
uFormRef.value.validate().then(valid => {
if (valid) {
console.log('表单验证通过:', form.value);
// 提交表单数据
if (type === 'publish') {
console.log("调用发布接口", form.value);
// 调用发布接口
addInfo(form.value).then(response => {
} else {
// 调用存草稿接口
addInfo(form.value).then(response => {
} else {
}).catch(error => {
console.log('表单验证错误:', error);
} else {
const startTime = (e) => {
showStartTime.value = !showStartTime.value
const confirm1 = (e) => {
showtext1.value = false;
StartTime.value = e.value
form.value.startTime = timeFormat(e.value,'yyyy-mm-dd hh:MM:ss');
showStartTime.value = !showStartTime.value
const confirm2 = (e) => {
showtext2.value = false;
EndTime.value = e.value
form.value.endTime = timeFormat(e.value,'yyyy-mm-dd hh:MM:ss');
showEndTime.value = !showEndTime.value
const cancel = (e) => {
showStartTime.value = false;
showEndTime.value = false;
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